Jack Widdowson


Jack Widdowson wurde 1992 in Bath geboren und schloss seine Ausbildung 2011 an der Tring Park School for the Performing Arts ab. Von 2011 bis 2013 absolvierte er einen Masterstudiengang an der London Contemporary Dance School parallel zu seinem Engagement bei Bern Ballet. Anschliessend tanzte er ein Jahr am Staatstheater Darmstadt und von 2014-2016 am Theater St. Gallen. Als freischaffender Tänzer arbeitet er nun europaweit. Er hat in den folgenden Produktion der ROTES VELO Kompanie performt: Alles Gueti, Pit Stop or the Lollipop Man, Ich bin ... Punk?, Revolution DADA und in Kinderaugen (2021) Regie geführt.

Jack was born in England in 1992. He trained at Tring park School for the Performing Arts 2008-11 and at London Contemporary Dance School 2011-13. He danced as a fixed company member at Konzert Theater Bern (CH), Staatstheater Darmstadt (DE) and Theater St. Gallen (CH) from 2011-16. Since then he has been an active member of the freelance dance scene in Europe, and has worked with Swiss based companies such as Rotes Velo Kompanie, Panorama Dance Company, House of Pain Physical Dance Theatre, Joshua Monten Dance Company, Marcel Leemann Physical Dance Theater and Nunzio Impellizzeri Dance Company. He has also performed on various stages such as; the Haus für Mozart at the Salzburger Festspiele (AT); the Opéra de Monte Carlo (MC); the Linbury Studio Theatre at the Royal Opera House London (UK); Salders Wells London (UK); Oper Bonn (DE) and the Zurich Opera House (CH).